Full Moon

The moon was absolutely gorgeous last night! I was doing some Christmas shopping (no procrastination for me this year!) and when I came out of the store around 4:45, there the moon was, ridiculously huge and beautiful in a pink sky. Luckily I had my camera with me so I was able to capture the moment. While I was in the parking lot, Kevin called my cell phone from Shanghai. I started babbling about the moon and he said it was gorgeous there too. It was 10:45 at night in Shanghai at the time. The fact that Kevin was so far away but at the same time looking at the same beautiful moon as I was made him seem so much closer to me. (I know, I sound like Fivel the mouse in "American Tail" singing "Somewhere Out There," don't I?) It was nice--it has been a really long time since we have gone outside together and gazed at the stars.
By the time I returned home with my shopping bags, the sky had gotten darker and the moon had risen higher into the sky, so I got another photo of it shining through the trees. I am homesick much of the time here, but on evenings this beautiful, high on our wooded hill overlooking the lake, I realize that I am beginning to love Norway.
At Tue Nov 07, 01:49:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
It's a global thing! The moon was beautiful here last night too. At about 5:15 pm I was driving to meet someone after work and when I looked up, the moon was full and partially masked by a cloud in front of it. Gorgeous moon.
At Tue Nov 07, 02:07:00 PM,
Emily said…
Yay, I'm glad you got to see it too! I guess I just don't know enough about astronomy, but it is amazing to me! By the way, did you see the link for the Birkie in Wisconsin--I thought that sounded like something you and Steve might sign up for! Emily
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