On Top Of The World

From the prairie to the fjords (with a few stops along the way.)

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Learning Norwegian

I have lived in Norway for 2 1/2 months now, and I'm embarrassed to admit that I still speak almost no Norwegian. Sure, I can say "Hi, how are you?" and ask for a cup of coffee (most essential!) But I can't have a conversation or say anything remotely witty or urbane in Norwegian. (Not that I say that many witty and urbane things in English. My ability to make people laugh generally stems more from the fact that I'm a klutz and bump into things and fall over a lot.)
I have signed up for Norwegian classes, but they don't begin until January. In the meantime, I have a stack of books and CD's to study. I'm also extremely lucky to have some very patient Norwegian friends who try to help me increase my vocabulary. I have found that if I can't come up with a mnemonic device to associate with a new word, I forget the word immediately. I learned how to say "spoon", "knife" and "fork" a couple of days ago. The Norwegian word for "fork" is "gaffel". This sounds like the English word "awful" with a "g" at the front, so this is how I can remember the word for fork--"I will be a (g)awful dining companion if, when seated at the table, I grab my fork and say "gaffel" like a moron!"
I used to be relatively good at learning a new language--I picked up French fairly easily and even minored in it in college. I don't know if Norwegian is a more difficult language or if I have just gotten too old to learn a new language proficiently (the adage about teaching an old dog new tricks comes to mind). I think the age thing might have something to do with it--it seems like every time I learn a new Norwegian word, an English word just falls out of my head. I was talking to a friend in the U.S. on the phone the other night, and I found myself saying, "You know, that long, flat thing in the kitchen, by the sink, where you chop stuff." I couldn't remember how to say "kitchen counter"! Oh well, even if I never learn Norwegian and become too senile to remember English, at least I'll always be able to provide comic relief by promptly falling on my ass when I step out into the snow!


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