Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween, everybody! (Although it looks more like Christmas today!) We got more than a foot of snow overnight, and it is just gorgeous! I love snow, especially on a day like today, when it's not very cold so you can actually get out and enjoy it. Poor Kevin isn't pleased, though--he was supposed to leave for a 2 week trip to Asia (China, Singapore and the Philippines) this morning, but the weather has postponed his plans. His visa (along with his passport) were supposed to be mailed to him by yesterday but they didn't arrive. He called and was told that they would definitely be delivered by 8:30 this morning, so he could still catch the 8:55 bus down to Gardemoen airport in Oslo. Except that it snowed and snowed and snowed all night, and his visa and passport never arrived. I'm pretending to be sympathetic, but really, I'm delighted! It's Halloween and we live in a big, old house which makes lots of creepy, creaky noises, and we are sort of isolated, at the edge of the forest. So I'm very happy that his trip has been delayed and I can sleep soundly tonight. Speaking of Halloween, I wonder if any trick or treaters will make it to our house tonight, through all that snow. I bought a big bag of chocolate bars for the occasion...oh well, if nobody shows up, don't worry, I would never, ever let good chocolate go to waste!
At Wed Nov 01, 03:48:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oh no - please tell me it is not another haunted house! I couldn't handle the noises at your last place.......
At Wed Nov 01, 12:03:00 PM,
Emily said…
Jen, no, I don't think any ghosties live here--I'm more likely to be spooked by a moose peeking in my window! I just have an overactive imagination (and the dogs occasionally leaping up and barking at nothing doesn't help!)
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