On Top Of The World

From the prairie to the fjords (with a few stops along the way.)

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Spring Photos from Helgoya Island

I just talked to my mom in central New York--they're getting hit by a nor'easter today and are expecting at least a foot of snow....meanwhile, way up north in Norway, we are experiencing a warm, sunny spring day! Kevin and I took the dogs on a little trip across Lake Mjosa to the island of Helgoya. That bridge is a lot more rickety in real life than it looks to be in the photo. There is no way 2 cars could pass each other, but there are no stoplights at either end of the bridge--I'm guessing some interesting meetings happen about halfway across occasionally! The third photo was taken from Helgoya, looking back towards the town of Nes. There is a beautiful old stone church in Nes, and we found a rocky beach where we walked the dogs. Honey loves to swim, and even though there was still some ice in places on Lake Mjosa, she jumped right in and paddled around for a bit. Kermit refuses to even get his feet wet, so he stayed a safe distance back from the water's edge. On the drive home, I was happy to see some pretty, tiny purple flowers along the road--yet another sign that spring is finally here. Hopefully, spring will eventually arrive in New York, too....someday!


  • At Mon Apr 16, 08:29:00 PM, Blogger Keera Ann Fox said…

    Those flowers are found primarily in Eastern Norway, and are "blåveis" or liverleaf. Wood anemone ("hvitveis") are found as far north as Troms fylke. I've never seen blåveis, myself, only hvitveis

  • At Mon Apr 16, 08:56:00 PM, Blogger Emily said…

    Thanks for the info--the bloveis are very pretty, and the forest surrounding our house is chock full of them! Emily

  • At Fri May 26, 06:58:00 AM, Anonymous WES said…

    Thanks for the beautiful spring photos of that amazing island. I have visited the island many times and am impressed with the diversity of land types in such a small place. My favorite view is looking south from the high point on the island.


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