Munch Museum, Moose and Murphy's Law

Michelle and Vera had to fly back to the U.S. on Tuesday morning, but we realized that since they didn't have to be at the airport until 11:30 and the Munch Museum opened at 10, we had enough time to squeeze one more museum in! I really enjoyed the artwork--Edvard Munch created a lot of supernatural, dark paintings, such as The Vampiress, which I found very interesting. It was the highest security museum I have ever been to, though--we had to go through a metal detector and send our coats and the contents of our pockets through an X-ray machine like they use in airport security. I guess after the theft of "The Scream" no one wants to take any chances!
We had such a great time with our guests, and it was so sad to see them go. When we are caught up in our daily routines, we sometimes forget to take the opportunity to explore and appreciate everything Norway has to offer. We got the chance to be tourists again, and wow, did we ever see a lot! The one thing that we couldn't show Michelle and Vera was a moose. Vera especially wanted to see one, but even though we spent a lot of time out on mountain roads, not a single moose crossed our path. I'm a big believer in Murphy's Law, so I joked to Kevin on the way back from the airport that a moose was probably hanging out in our yard right now...wouldn't you know, there wasn't just one moose, there were three! I think they were the same three females who visited us (and chased the dogs) in February. We felt sick that our friends hadn't gotten the chance to see the beasts. Oh well, I guess since they didn't get to see everything they hoped to see, they have a reason to come back to Norway!
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