Lucky Naeroset
On the way to Lillehammer on Saturday, we passed through a small village called Lucky Naeroset. Anders said we should pull over and look around, and I'm so glad we did! This town was in jeopardy when the local school was slated to close, but the townspeople brainstormed and came up with some very creative solutions, including becoming a national "state". From one of their websites, an introduction:
"Lucky Naeroset is a small but very special place in Hedmark, Norway. We only count 1170 inhabitants but we have our very own Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affaires and Minister of Finances. In fact we have declared this village to be a small "Mini-State" and we have a full goverment - not quite like other goverments, we have a few rare departments. The Department of Fantasy is one of them."
This little village is all about fantasies, as you can see by the trolls in the photos. The third picture is of the sign pointing to the "underjordisk flypass", or underground airport. In 2000, an 11 year old boy wrote that Lucky Naeroset needed an underground airport in case aliens were to visit from outerspace, so that they could have a safe place to land and not worry about being squashed by cars in the road. So the town built one in 2002! You can drink magical elixirs and bathe in a tub of money in Lucky more about this special little town here:
At Mon Mar 19, 07:23:00 PM, Keera Ann Fox said…
I had never heard of this place before! Interesting!
I started reading their site's Norwegian pages, and enjoyed some of the puns, like "Helseminister" (a kind of Surgeon General) whose job is to "Hilse alle nye innflyttere velkommen". (Helse = health, but also a variation on hilse = greet.) I wonder if you'd get some of the jokes?
At Mon Mar 19, 11:03:00 PM, Emily said…
Keera, I'll have to check the Norwegian site out--thus far, I have always stuck to the English translations, but I learn more every day, so maybe I'm ready for some groan-inducing Norwegian puns! Emily
At Wed Jul 03, 09:06:00 PM, Unknown said…
Wow, I would like to visit this wonderful Small town in Norway.
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