Doggy in the Window
Who do those demonic, glowing eyes belong to? Honey Bunny, of course! She has figured out that if she jumps on top of the kitchen counter, the view outside is lovely. I am always struggling with keeping the cats off of the counter, but I never thought I would have to contend with pawprints from the tufted toes of a golden retriever!
Oh well, I really need to go study for my big Norwegian test tomorrow. I have procrastinated enough--I went out for dinner with a friend and chatted for far too long, vacuumed the whole house, and now I am wasting time on the computer. I did study a little last notes really cracked me up. There is one student in the class who is obsessed with politics and history, so among all my Norwegian translations of innocuous phrases like, "Are you married?", "How old are your children?", "Do you like to play football?" and "What did you eat for breakfast?" there are occasional sentences like, "Many women were slaughtered in the war", and "Child warriors are the most vicious of them all, for they know not what they do." I have a feeling we won't be tested on those particular sentiments tomorrow...
Finally, happy "Kvinnedag" to all you ladies out there! In Norway, one way "Women's Day" is celebrated is by men preparing their wives a nice dinner. I guess since Kevin is half way around the world right now, I'll let it slide this year. Next year, I'm hoping for candlelight, flowers and all the chocolate I can eat!
At Fri Mar 09, 02:17:00 AM, Anonymous said…
Ooooh, eeerily spooky pic of Honey. Looks like the house is haunted..........better not be or I'll be staying at Gjovik Inn when I come to visit :)
At Fri Mar 09, 07:42:00 AM, Emily said…
Hi Jen, we haven't had a single ghostie! Unless you're scared of moose and magpies, there is nothing to fear here! Emily
At Fri Mar 09, 09:12:00 PM, Keera Ann Fox said…
Not to rain on your parade, Emily, but I honestly hope Kvinnedagen (International Women's Day) doesn't turn into another Valentine's Day. I feel weird being reduced to a soft and cuddly female who likes flowers and sweets on a day women in Norway march to protest the increase in rape in this country, and still get less pay than men do for the same job.
At Fri Mar 09, 10:46:00 PM, Emily said…
Keera, I know the day is about much more than romantic gestures, but I think once the marching and protesting is done, a lovely dinner prepared in my honor is a nice way to end the day! Honestly, I don't remember anyone celebrating International Women's Day in the U.S. and if they did it wasn't widely publicized, so yesterday when my classmates were discussing the day, I had no idea what they were talking about, but I did catch on to the dinner part...obviously I'm very tuned in to food! Emily
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