At Last..Pumpkin Pie

I made a pumpkin pie today...I forgot how great a pumpkin pie in the oven smells. My whole kitchen smells like cinnamon and ginger--yum! The pie turned out well except for the crust--I used a mix with Norwegian directions. Maybe I messed up the translation of the instructions, or maybe pie crust here is different than what I am used to. It was more dense and moist than I was expecting, but it was okay. Luckily my Norwegian friends really liked it. 5 Norwegians converted, 4,593,036 to go!
At Sun Nov 12, 02:10:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Great job on the pie, Martha Stewart! Can't wait to see what you whip out with the holiday baking season around the corner.
At Sun Nov 12, 10:03:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
xMore canned pumpkin and condensed milk being smuggled in from Singapore tomorrow, so look out Norway!
At Sun Nov 12, 10:52:00 AM,
Emily said…
Kevin, thanks for taking part in my (not so) covert operation! AKA "Operation Pumpkin".
Jen, I'm going to a gingerbread baking party on Dec. 15th, so that will be one more dessert to add to my repertoire. As for Martha Stewart, if I deserved that title, I would have made my pie crust from scratch, instead of the weird mix in a bag which was not very tasty! Emily
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