Bippity Boppity Boo
In our part of Norway, these pretty little white and blue violets are called "natt-og-dag", or "night and day". That's a cute name for them and an apt description of their appearance. But, in some parts of Norway, they are called "stemor" or "stepmother." They are known as stepmothers because that fat bottom petal which is white and yellow is the big, stout, greedy stepmother. She loves to eat lots of butter and she will share some of the butter with her own daughters, the smaller, white petals. But the poor little stepdaughters (the blue petals) are thin and blue and cold and never get a taste of butter! (Maybe they must eat gruel instead?) I thought the tale of woe behind these violets was very imaginative--so many little Cinderella stories taking place in my own backyard!
At Sat Nov 18, 09:51:00 AM, jade said…
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