Fat Cats
That's 36 pounds of cat looking at you! Abner is the "smaller" orange and white kitty--he weighs in at a mere 15 pounds. Toonces is the heftier gray tiger--he is a whopping 21 pounds. I don't know why I have such obese cats, I swear they don't eat that much and they have tons of toys to keep them active. A few weeks ago, my friend Nina and her son came over to meet the cats because they had agreed to take care of them while we were in the U.S. over Christmas. As soon as they saw Toonces, they burst out laughing and said they had never seen such a huge cat. I find that hard to believe--isn't this the land of massive Norwegian Forest Cats? Oh well, great big cats keep me nice and toasty when they're snuggled up on the couch with me. The earth may shake under their feet, but they sure are warm!
At Sat Jan 13, 01:24:00 AM, Anonymous said…
Please post a picture of Toonces in the engorged tick pose so everyone can *really* appreciate his size!
Actually, if I didn't know better, I would think that picture was doctored - take an armadillo body, repaint it in a tabby pattern, add a cat head - wa la!
At Sat Jan 13, 10:24:00 AM, Tim said…
Wow, those are some hefty kitties! That's ok, though, my neice stateside has a cat that could probably body slam an elephant and cause some damage.
So, hello to yet another American living in Norway! I've lived here for about 6 years now, and I understand your difficulty with the language. We Americans can never seem to grasp Norwegian very well - you should try learning it and then having to learn an entire new dialect. But it's early - you'll get the hang of it. Working somewhere or being forced to use your language skills certainly helps.
At any rate, welcome and hope your Portugal / Italy trip is relaxing and warm.
At Sat Jan 13, 04:27:00 PM, Emily said…
Hi Tim, I'm glad you found my blog! I've been reading yours since we moved here and have found it very helpful and interesting! (I especially love your monkey of the week feature!)
And I believe the anonymous post was from Carrie, as I don't know anyone else who refers to Toonces as a tick! Just remember, Carrie, even though you did allow Toonces to nap on your treadmill, he gained half a pound during his stay with you! Emily
At Thu Jan 18, 10:56:00 PM, Tim said…
I didn't see your reply here before today - sorry, I'm trying to get into the habit of backtracking. ;)
At any rate, thanks for being a visitor, and I'm glad someone likes my primate posts!!
At Sun Nov 27, 05:29:00 PM, Brown Amy said…
When our pets are terrified, it may be really heartbreaking to witness, and it's only natural to want to comfort them. You might be wondering why your cat avoids loud noises and how to help your feline friend overcome their phobias. Cat Care of PetCareRx has some fantastic resources for cats who are afraid of noise.
At Fri Mar 10, 10:44:00 PM, Cat said…
Needs to play more and lessen stress on joints
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