On Top Of The World

From the prairie to the fjords (with a few stops along the way.)

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Eek! (A Halloween Tale of Horror!)

A bit of background, before my spooky story begins. There is no drywall or sheetrock in our house--most of the walls and ceilings are made of pine boards. The exceptions are the ceilings in the living room and the office, where some sort of thin, white, stretchy plastic cover has been pulled taut across the ceiling. It looks just like a typical sheetrock ceiling, and in fact I had no idea it wasn't until I needed to change a lightbulb, put my hand up to steady myself, and was very surprised to feel the ceiling give a bit to the pressure of my palm. Anyway, on with my creepy tale.
Late last night I was checking email one final time before going to bed when I heard a strange noise from above...kind of like raindrops on a tent. Imagine my shock when I looked up and saw something in the ceiling moving! It was a mouse! I could tell because I could see each poinky little mouse paw stretch the ceiling ever so slightly as it ran along over my head, making a scritchy, pitter patter sound. I know to most people, the horror of this story is the fact that there was a mouse suspended above my head in my strange, stretchy ceiling, but I was actually concerned that it would get trapped and die up there, so I consulted Kevin (who had been sleeping). He was, justifiably, not pleased to be awakened by my shrill voice babbling about a mouse stuck in the ceiling, and sagely advised me, "If it found its way into the ceiling, it will find its way out. I'm going back to bed." He was right, as by the time I returned to the office, the ceiling was still. But now I can't stop worrying about the fate of the mouse...what if it cheated death in the ceiling only to later find itself whisker to whisker with one of the cats? As I have established in previous blog entries, Toonces (pictured above trying to squeeze himself out of his kitty teepee) enjoys eating. So far, so good, there are no mouse entrails on my floor, no fat cats smugly licking their chops. Hopefully my spooky encounter will not take a gory, gratuitously violent turn after all!


  • At Thu Nov 01, 12:53:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The skritchy movements in the ceiling were not those of a mouse. The ceiling is actually a tenuous membrane between the material world and the lower astral levels. The skritchys were caused by the Guardian of the Gate who thought that perhaps you would have the temerity to attempt a crossing while still embodied, in which case it would have to, er... disembody you.

    Happy Halloween!!!!
    Dad George

  • At Thu Nov 01, 12:55:00 AM, Blogger CFLiz said…

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaHHHHHHHHahhhhh!!!!!!! Can you tell I am mouse phobic? If I were you I would be SO glad to be moving soon, *anywhere*....egads! *shudders*


  • At Thu Nov 01, 08:53:00 PM, Blogger Emily said…

    George, um, I guess it's a good thing that I didn't try to rescue it from the ceiling then! I would assume being disembodies would be rather unpleasant.
    Liz, had it been a big nasty bug with lots of long, nasty bug legs poking through the ceiling, I would probably be checked in to a nearby hotel by now. I'm pretty cool with mammals, though! Emily

  • At Thu Nov 01, 10:35:00 PM, Blogger Victoria said…

    I'm with you Emily. Bugs completely gross me out. Pretty much any kind but especially roaches. ICK! I'm usually ok with warm blooded creatures too but if I focus too much on certain types of tails I'm kind of grossed out.

  • At Thu Nov 01, 11:42:00 PM, Blogger CFLiz said…

    Bugs don't bother me much, unless we're talking tropical sized ones. Or cockroaches. Yu-uck! But rodents...OMG. We had mice in an apartment we lived in outside Botson once, and they ran across the floor and our beds at night; it was awful. :/ Another time, our cat ewas waltzing around our summer house with bulging cheeks and a tail hanging out her mouth...or so I'm told.


  • At Thu Nov 01, 11:43:00 PM, Blogger CFLiz said…

    Uh, BoSTon. :)

  • At Fri Nov 02, 07:38:00 AM, Blogger Emily said…

    I used to work at the front desk of a dormitory in college, and one of my tasks was to write out work orders to the maintenance crew whenever a student complained that there was a mouse in the dorm room. I knew that those incredibly cruel sticky traps would be used, so I, um, always threw the work orders away as soon as the student had left the desk. Yeah, I really should have been fired! Emily

  • At Fri Nov 02, 08:20:00 AM, Blogger Michele said…

    hahahaha. That's too funny, Emily, about throwing away the work orders. I love that you did that. Those sticky mouse traps are horrible, just horrible.

    Mice in the house is a difficult situation. I hate the thought of exterminating them but they can do a lot of damage. Those are the times a good mousing cat is worth her weight in gold, yes? :-) My Sofie was a GREAT mouser, and, um, ratter? She would have loved your Boston apartment, Liz! :-)


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