A Short Rant
Last summer, about 4 days before we moved with the dogs to Norway, I got Honey's dog license renewal in the mail. Partly due to the insane stress I was under, and partly due to the fact that Honey was leaving the country later that week, I kind of forgot/ignored the letter. About a month in to our stay in Norway, I received a summons to go to court with a fine of $200 for failure to renew Honey's dog license (and a nasty letter about how failing to vaccinate my dog against rabies is a threat to public health). At this point, I saw red...you would not believe the veterinary hoops I jumped through to get the dogs to Norway. Not only had Honey (and Kermit) had their 3 year rabies shots less than 10 months before, but they had also had another 1 year rabies vaccine the previous month, in addition to having their rabies blood titer levels drawn (at $200 a test). I called the town clerk in my little village, slightly hysterical. Our town was tiny, only about 720 residents, and she immediately knew who I was and that I had moved to Norway. She was very reassuring on the phone, explaining that the local dog control officer was a tad overzealous, and that she would just explain to the judge and get the case dismissed. I thanked her profusely, breathed a sigh of relief and, assuming the dogs records would be expunged from the village computer system, forgot about the whole ordeal. A couple of months later, in December, I received a letter regarding Kermit's license renewal, along with a second, more threatening letter. (Our mail is forwarded to Kevin's company's U.S. office in Auburn, and then at the end of the week, forwarded on to us in Norway. Apparently the dog control officer fired off the second, more menacing letter after she heard no response from the first, but the 2 letters arrived together at our house.) Since we were planning to go back to New York for Christmas, I decided to drive down to our former town and straighten the whole dog mess out in person. Again, the town clerk remembered exactly who I was and laughed about how ridiculous it was that I would keep getting these license renewal letters. She also apologized for the nasty tone of the second letter, saying that the power-crazed dog control officer would sit in the office, firing off these letters and laughing to herself, saying "Gotcha!" The clerk promised me all would be taken care of, and wished me a merry Christmas. Again, I blithely assumed this whole fiasco was over, that everyone in my teeny village now knew that my troublesome dogs and I lived on a different continent, and that we would never hear from them again. I was wrong...I just got another letter in the mail regarding Honey's dog license renewal. I suppose I should call the village hall immediately and hopefully avoid another court summons. That should take care of the situation until, oh, about December when Kermit's license will again be due. (I know that being a dog control officer is a tough and very necessary job, but my little village is full of unlicensed dogs who run freely through town. I think this particular dog control officer's priorities should be a little more about educating all the irresponsible dog owners about proper canine care, and a little less about trying to collect $2.50 in licensing fees from dogs who live in Norway...I'm just saying.)
At Tue Aug 07, 08:31:00 AM,
Michele said…
Hi Emily. OMG, this must be extremely frustrating to try to deal with from here. I hope you're able to get it straightened out for real very soon.
The animal control officer in your former town sounds like a nightmare, but I'm thinking that town clerk sounds, um, totally incompetent? Why can't she take care of it the way she said she would? Can you call directly to Commander Dog License and explain the situation? Good luck!
At Tue Aug 07, 11:26:00 AM,
Emily said…
Michele, I think you're right about the town clerk, she is a bit loopy and seems confused about computers in general...she was probably just checking her email when she told me she was taking me out of the system! As for Commander Dog License, still laughing, that's the best pseudo-super hero moniker ever! Emily
At Fri Aug 10, 10:34:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh my word!! Id there no end to these dco nightmare stories? I can't believe that you now are the subject of one - even being separated by an ocean!!! The whole system does need to be reformed!! Let me know if you need dco's phone number.
At Fri Aug 10, 11:43:00 PM,
Kehla said…
Good grief. You'd think they'd take one look at the dogs' happy slobbery faces and realize immediately that they're no "public health threat." It's amazing what a little power can do to some people!
At Mon Aug 13, 07:33:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Emily,
Just chiming in with the lawyer's view. Always respond to dopey bureaucrats in writing! Any convernsations or other communications that you have that are not in a verifiable written form effectively have never happened. I get more requests from relatives asking me to spend my very limited free time fixing a problem because they didn't respond in writing. Write a short scathing letter, include copies of the rabies shots, moving stuff, and a reference by name to the convos/dates you've had, and copy someone higher up the chain. It'll help get out your anger and it'll make the problem go away in a jiffy!
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