On Top Of The World

From the prairie to the fjords (with a few stops along the way.)

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

He's Back!

The mysterious ginger-colored visitor was back this morning, nose pressed up against our patio door. He seems to really enjoy staring at our cats, and they seem to really enjoy looking back at him, so I put a little blanket on the patio for him to sit on while he keeps his vigil. (He was shivering the last time he came to visit.) So far he doesn't seem to like the blanket, and he also turned his little pink nose up at the cat treats I left out for him. I don't think he was being finicky, none of our cats will eat Norwegian cat treats either. Luckily, the dogs think they are divine, so at least they won't go to waste!
I was calling him Garfield, but today I thought of a far better name for him. I have renamed him "Ravi". Ravi is a popular Norwegian red haired rapper/singer. We went to a carnival in Gjovik in September and he was performing. We had no idea who he was, but were very entertained by his reggae set. He has a couple of songs on the radio and also a musical commercial on TV explaining how to recycle. Here is a link if you want to see Ravi for yourself! http://www.nrk.no/musikk/5607598.html
I hope our curious little red haired visitor likes his new name! (Or at the very least, won't cough up a hairball on our patio in protest!)


  • At Wed Jan 31, 06:15:00 PM, Blogger Astrid said…


    Are you letting your cats out to play with him or even chase him away from their territory? Or maybe it's Ravi that is trying to figure out how to protect HIS territory?!

  • At Wed Jan 31, 06:21:00 PM, Blogger Astrid said…


    Are you letting your cats out to play with him or even chase him away from their territory? Or maybe it's Ravi that is trying to figure out how to protect HIS territory?!

  • At Wed Jan 31, 09:21:00 PM, Blogger Emily said…

    No, they are indoor cats. We used to live on a really busy road, so they have always lived inside. I'm too scared to let them out now, especially with the foxes I have seen in the yard. Not sure if they would know how to protect themselves, and I don't want them to fight with Ravi or other cats they meet outside. So far they show no interest in going outside--they love napping in front of the radiators and hanging out on the couch! Emily

  • At Sat Feb 03, 01:28:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oh my gosh - i clicked on the link (in this post) and it went to a Norwegian web page; I have absolutely NO idea what it said. Is Ravi the orange cat?

  • At Sat Feb 03, 08:22:00 AM, Blogger Emily said…

    Kari--Ravi is the little red haired, bearded guy on the web page. He amuses me greatly with his music video where he is dressed up like a little garden gnome! It is also the new name of the big orange cat in the picture. It is pretty hard to find an English website devoted to Ravi, but maybe eventually his music will make it across the pond? Emily


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