A Conversation with my Mom
In a week and a half, my mom is coming to visit us in Norway. She's really excited, but nervous as well--it has been 23 years since she last flew. She has been calling me frequently with questions about the flight, and I think she understands the "fluids in a clear Ziploc bag" rule. I have also tried to express how crucial it is for her to drink some wine on the flight to ease her nerves. The other day, she called with another question...
Mom: I'm going to want an alarm clock while I'm in Norway. Do you have one I could borrow?
Me: Nope, sorry, we just have the one in our room. Can you bring your own?
Mom: I don't think that would be a good idea. What if the airport security hears it ticking in my suitcase and thinks it's a bomb?
Me: *blink, blink* Um, have you considered taking the batteries out?
My mom will be flying over with a couple of family friends, so hopefully they will guide her through security without incident, and, once on the plane, encourage her to drink up. It should be a fun trip!
At Mon Apr 30, 03:20:00 AM, Anonymous said…
Good luck to Carol on her flight...and have fun w/ her visit!
She can also ask her family physician for a Rx for mild sedatives -- or tell her to get some over-the-counter allergy medicine, such as Benadryl which along w/ a small glass of wine, does a great job of helping ease anxiety for "nervous travelers." :)
At Mon Apr 30, 10:46:00 AM, Emily said…
Ooh, good suggestions, Kari! Emily
At Tue May 01, 03:09:00 AM, Anonymous said…
Em - Steve and I have been out of town since late Thursday so I'm just catching up on your blog. Too funny about your conversation w/ your mom! She's a hoot.
Don't know if it's true for you or not but as you get older, do you see yourself "inheriting" more of the zanier traits of your mom? I know I do and it scares the sh## out of me!
At Tue May 01, 11:00:00 AM, Emily said…
Hi Jen, stay tuned for more wacky conversations with my mom...I think the nutty comments will start flying faster and more furiously as the dreaded flight draws nearer! Emily
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