I have been tagged by Astrid at "Life With A Seaview"
http://life-with-a-seaview.blogspot.com/ (I know, I'm so ridiculously computer un-savvy, I really need to learn how to link web sites! I swear, it's one of my New Years resolutions!) Anyway, the Meme is 6 weird things about me, so here they are:
1. I have "Bionic eyes"--I used to have -12 vision which I corrected with contacts. My eyes became too dry and irritated to wear contacts but I wasn't a candidate for laser surgery due to too thin corneas. In December 2005, a new surgery was approved in the U.S. where they implant permanent lenses over your own lens. Since it was brand new technology, my doctor offered the first 5 patients to have it $2000 off the surgery, so I leapt at the opportunity. The crazy thing is, I have a phobia of anything touching my eyes so I'm still kind of shocked that I did it. Now I have 20/15 vision (better than 20/20!) so I can say the surgery was totally worth it, even though I did come out of the anesthesia once to find a needle in my eye--that was very upsetting, to say the least!
2. I was so poor in college that I signed up to be a medical guinea pig--I did some pretty easy little psychological experiments, but I also did a couple of bronchoscopies. They paid $120, but imagine laying on a table for an hour with a tube going up your nose into your lungs--sure, it bought some beer and pizza, but what a painful way to pay a bar tab!
3. During the bronchoscopy mentioned above, the doctor told me I have a porpoise lung. I guess it's just an extra lobe on my lung, but at the time, I kind of felt like a "missing link"!
4. I'm not a "girly girl" at all--I think mice and bats are cute, and I really don't mind snakes or slugs or lizards. But bugs are my weakness, they turn me into a shrieking, hysterical, leaping on top of chairs mess. I'm fine with "cute" bugs like ladybugs and butterflies, but there is a certain bug out there with so many undulating legs that I am so terrified of that I can't even type its name. Seriously, there are tropical places in the world where I won't go for fear of seeing one of these monsters! (The first thought in my head when I learned that we were moving to Norway was, "Oh good, it's too cold and too far north for my nemesis to live!" I was wrong, but they are mercifully much smaller here!)
5. I'm really bad at telling time on non-digital clocks. It's not that I can't, it's just that it takes me a lot longer than the average person. I mean, I know immediately if it's 6:00 or 6:30, but a time like 6:45 is tough, when the hour hand is between two numbers and I have to figure out if it's 6:45 or 7:45...sigh, no matter how I try to rationalize it, it does make me sound a little dense, and my husband and friends love to ask me what time it is and then laugh and laugh.
6. I'm kind of nervous about flying and heights, but I did go skydiving once. (I was only 19, so I think I might have still been in that "I'm invincible" stage of life.) Unfortunately for both me and the jump master I was strapped to, I suffered severe motion sickness as we careened toward the earth. I can still hear him moaning, "Man, why do I always get stuck strapped to the pukers?!?"
Okay, so there are 6 weird, random things about me. I don't really know too many people in the blogging world who read my blog, but if you do read it and you want to share weird things about yourself with all of cyberspace, please consider yourself tagged!